September 4 Classes Begin
October 31 Studio Closed
November 1 Second Quarter Tuition Due
November 19 - 23 Thanksgiving Holiday
December 17 - January 4 Christmas Holiday
January 1 Third Quarter Tuition Due
February 18 - 22 Studio Closed
March 1 Fourth Quarter Tuition Due
April 15 - 19 Spring Break
May 4 - 5, 2019 Performance & Dress Rehearsal (Tennative Dates)
Dance Express has a "Family Friendly" schedule. We take the time off at holidays when students traditionally have to miss class due to other commitments. These holidays are NOT counted in your 30 weeks of classes! We also finish early enough so students don't have to worry about coming to dance class or rehearsals during EOG testing and final exams. In today's world of jam-packed schedules, you will find the Dance Express Family Friendly Schedule a welcome change.